Monday, November 24, 2008

Welcome Home!

Call me Mother of the Year.

After six months, our house is finally a home. All the members of our family are back under the same roof.

Boomer and I quickly realized that when we moved, we would need to fence in the backyard. Not necessarily because of adventuresome preschoolers, but an adventuresome dog who enjoys chasing birds and bunnies. Other projects got in the way, and the fence was put off. Until this weekend.

Boomer and Papa were able to finish the fence yesterday. It looks wonderful, and will keep all children safely in the yard. After admiring his work, Boomer looked at me with a slightly pleading gaze and asked if we could get his dog back ASAP. Since Doggy Luke really is Boomer's, I cheerfully agreed. Grammy was equally pleased, as she had been dog-sitting for the past six month. We owe her. Big.

Suffice it to say that Doggy was ecstatic to see Boomer and lost no time in expressing his love and affection by not letting my husband out of his sight. The ride home was entertaining; seventy-pound dog in the back seat next to Peanut, who went into gales of laughter every time Doggy Luke stuck his nose in Boomer's side.

Doggy is trying to adjust to the much bigger preschooler, off-limit furniture, and an infinitely bigger yard. He's already scoped out the single hole in the fence that we thought was too small for him to squeeze through, and thankfully he came back into the yard when called. Right now, he's on the lookout for Boomer's truck, afraid of being left again.

Welcome home, Doggy Luke.

Call me Mother of the Year.

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