Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Leftovers

Call me Mother of the Year.

I have lots to be thankful for. Peanut was well-behaved during the family dinner (and the leftover feast!), hanging out with the family was grand as always, and Boomer made breakfast Friday AND Saturday. Oh, Spoiled Mommy.

A bit more about the feasts...

We hit Boomer's family first because they were closer and there was a party. Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa celebrated their 60th anniversary this week, and we felt the need to celebrate with them. Boomer said he wanted to be like them. I said good, because I get to decide if we stay married the first 50 years, and then he gets the second 50. I may have to revise that one to the first 60, but I'm good so far. So is he.

Other than the minor point of Peanut's begging for toys at his cousin's house rather than eating, he did really well. No temper tantrums, and there was a thankful Mommy. We convinced Wonder Preschooler to leave so he could play with my cousin's kids at Nana and Papa's. We got there and realized they had left 30 minutes earlier. Drat. Luckily, Peanut knows where Nana keeps the toys and that Papa is a sucker for playing with Peanut. Disaster avoided. Too bad the Aggies couldn't say the same.

Friday was a nice, lazy day for us. Boomer made breakfast for his hungry son and grateful wife, and proceeded to take Wonder Preschooler to procure Christmas lights while I got quiet time. And there was much rejoicing. Lights look fantastic, and all are happy.

Saturday looked a lot like Friday, with one notable exception: Peanut is potty-trained! There is much rejoicing! We are quite proud of our Thomas underwear, and Mommy and Daddy are quite relieved.

And now, there is snow on the ground, Peanut wants to ski, and he's settling for going outside and sledding. Now, if only I could find the sled...

Call me Mother of the Year.

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