Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Massive Update

Call me Mother of the Year.

Really? Two months? SORRY. Blame the kids... okay, blame me for not writing.

I'm doing this in chronological order.

Peanut has had a stretch of rough days at Kindergarten, which spawned many notes home, me volunteering in his classroom (so not a problem; the kids are great), and a visit to the psychiatrist for another evaluation. The good news there is that current therapies seem to be enough and medication is another few years away. Yes, that's me you hear cheering. We're doing vision therapy, which has done wonders in both improving his vision and calming him down, and using pressure vests at school. There's something else, though, that is a bit unorthodox. However, it works and I have the psychiatrist's blessing.


Yeah, you read that correctly. My Kindergartner is on a two-cups-a-day habit.

Lest you think this is Peanut hanging out with a cup of joe and the funnies (thanks Evil Twin), let me remove that image from your minds. This is way cheaper than Ritalin and minus the side effects. It should be said that it's usually a struggle to get Peanut to drink this, but it's obvious when he doesn't have coffee in his system. He's better able to focus, and that makes his parents and his teacher happy.

Miss Tula has decided that crawling is for babies and she isn't a baby anymore. We are quite happy toddling around, grabbing at Doggy's tail and Peanut's hand. Peanut actually slows down when he's got Tula by the hand, so I encourage this whenever I can. She's got eight teeth now and doing her best to talk. Toys are being flung, table food is being tried, and it's a busy time in the life of the toddler.

Tula's also the source of some deeply cool mommy moments. Seeing the world through her eyes reminds me that I really do worry too much and need to just stop and look around. It also reminds me that I was totally outdated with baby-proofing the house.

In the meantime, kids, I need to explain to Tula that Orajel is not a good substitute for finger paint. Let the adventures continue!

Call me Mother of the Year.