Tuesday, October 7, 2008

No, Diego, NO!

Call me Mother of the Year.

I'm not much into television. Sure, PBS Kids is a godsend when I decide I need a shower or housework is desperate, but I prefer coloring or trains when Peanut is unable to be outside. I'm starting to understand why.

There are a few shows that will never be allowed in this house. Some I've never been a fan of, but the rest I've discovered through trial and error.

Barney and Friends
Any form of Power Rangers
Most of Cartoon Network (except for Looney Tunes when he's a bit older-- classic!)
Go Diego Go

The problem with these is they get seriously annoying when repeated ad nauseam by the small voice of the Wonder Toddler. Plus, in the case of Diego, the kid turns into a major drama king. Whatever gave programmers the idea that making everything completely urgent for small children was a good one?

I thought that this would be good. Learning about animals, learning a second language, kindness and helping. In theory, it works. The practice is a bit skewed.

Due to the ferocity of Peanut's temper tantrums after a few days of Diego, it has been turned off forever. Interestingly, Peanut does not seem to miss his former obsession, and the the quotes have gone away. There's been more train playing, and a happier preschooler and Mommy. Good thing the only girl is me, and I won't watch Dora.

But for now, the trains are getting their cargo, my house is reasonably clean, and the television is off. Peace and quiet. For the next thirty seconds.

Call me Mother of the Year.

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