Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Follow the Peanut!

Call me Mother of the Year.

It's autumn, and therefore We Who Follow Peanut are accomplices in his last hurrah of outdoor mischief. Last week found Wonder Toddler at not one but two corn mazes. And there was much rejoicing.

This is probably better titled Why The Toddler Shouldn't Lead.

The corn mazes were delightful, mainly because the weather was spectacular both days. However, I confess I got a bigger kick out of seeing the mazes through Peanut's eyes. He was all excited about running away from Mommy and being in charge. For once, I listened to Boomer and let Peanut choose our course on the second maze. Good thing there was no set time on when the maze was closing; Peanut's not much of a directional guy, but he's very good at ordering his parents around. This time, he got away with it. And all was right in the Peanut-verse.

There were parts of the maze that were dead ends and Peanut was allowed to run unaccompanied. His first taste of freedom, and man, he was thrilled. It's good for him, and I know it. But he's refusing to hold my hand now, and that hurts a little. I'm glad of his confidence, but I miss him needing me already. I started laughing at myself, because seriously, if I'm like this now what on earth am I going to do when he REALLY breaks out his independent streak? Not sure yet, but I suspect crying and chocolate will be involved.

Meanwhile, I'm needed to kiss owies and play conductor. It's nice to still be needed, if only on a temporary basis.

Call me Mother of the Year.

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