Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Positive Reinforcement

Call me Mother of the Year.

It seems that it's been quite awhile since I've posted something without complaining about the Wonder Toddler. Make no mistake, the temper tantrums are still frequent and loud. However, I'm grateful that I can focus on the positive for a change.

Peanut has hit a couple of major breakthroughs this week. I've rediscovered the joys of stickers, and noticed that they're not just for restaurants and peacekeeping missions. Now that we have a sticker chart, Peanut will on occasion deign to sit on the toilet without a screaming fit. Today was a bit more interesting.

First thing this morning, I point out the need for the potty. Screaming ensued. For once, I kept calm, and told him that when he was ready, we would go into the bathroom. Sure enough, thirty seconds later there was a small voice requesting potty assistance. The second he got on there, there was a need for stickers. And many hugs. And much rejoicing.

I'm taking this as a victory because I think Peanut's finally getting that this isn't so much about thwarting me, but having control over himself. It's another step toward independence, and really, isn't that what everyone wants? Plus, the Diego and Thomas underwear are really cool. I'm not sure just how long this will last, but right now, it just doesn't matter. I'm off to rejoice and congratulate.

Call me Mother of the Year.

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