Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Thwarting Mommy

Call me Mother of the Year.

Peanut is up to no good. This time, it's so inventive that it's infuriating.

Once again, I'm fighting the potty training battle. Peanut is oblivious at best and furious at worst. He's still refusing to go anywhere near the bathroom, still tries to sneak away from diaper changes (boy, does that fail miserably) and still insists that the potty is "too big" for him.

Last week, Boomer and I decided new tactics were in order. I put Peanut in underwear and forbade him from sitting on the furniture and on the carpet. He had a few toys and was able to eat lunch on the floor, which was totally cool for him. He was told that he couldn't sit on the furniture until he went on the potty, and he needed to keep his underwear dry.

I kept checking on him, and he obeyed. The underwear stayed dry for three hours. He even told me that he needed to sit on the toilet (but didn't do anything). That's when I realized what he was up to.

The kid figured out how to pull down the underwear and relieved himself on the floor. Underwear was dry, and potty was avoided. Mission accomplished.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Part of me is excited that he knows to keep himself dry, and that's the main thrust of this battle. On the other hand, he still wants no part of toilet training.

Right now, I'm using all accomplices and showing Peanut the coolness of underwear. Maybe cool weapons will finally win the war.

Call me Mother of the Year.

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