Monday, August 4, 2008

The Sighting of the End

Call me Mother of the Year.

After a very loud weekend involving tears, tantrums, and Peanut's Shriek of Death (Patent Pending), we finally have a toddler willing and able to use the potty reliably. And there was much rejoicing.

Peanut has finally figured out that Mommy and Daddy will win this one, and is completely focused on the idea of school. I'm exploiting this for my own means, and using Vacation Bible School as a current form of bribery. As Grammy is going to be Peanut's teacher, I figure it's okay.

Now that we have the peeing under control (reasonably), we must tackle the second part: pooping. This promises to be as challenging as the first, but now that I have some success, I'm hoping that I'm wrong and this will go smoothly. The laughter you hear is Peanut's.

However, that is a battle for another day. Right now, I'm reveling in my son's success, and laughing at myself. Wonder Toddler showed all the signs of being ready to sit on the potty this morning, and I totally blew them off. Joke's on me, because I got to clean up the mess. Oops.

Call me Mother of the Year.

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