Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mother's Day Revised

Call me Mother of the Year.

Once again, I must comment on the sneakiness of my guys. The roses-and Boomer requests that I point out the true number of roses, which was eighteen- are lovely, but what really made the day memorable was the stomach flu. Boomer succumbed first and did a mighty job of attempting to keep me from it. That lasted about a day.

Mother's Day, in my mind, is all about the wishes of the mommy. If we wish to be waited on hand and foot, so be it. Boomer did his level best to wait on me, but let's face it, I'm one of the weird ones who just want to be left alone when not feeling well. Peanut, however, had no such reservations. The Toddler slid into my bed, shoved me away, and proceeded to take a two-hour nap. In my bed. Where I really wanted to be. Because he decided to share his bug.

Evil Twin pointed out (amid much laughter) that we do not wake up the sleeping toddler and I should be grateful he slept at all. Normally I would agree, but I hold that he has a perfectly good bed that ought to be used. Peanut disagreed, and I caved.

However, now that all are feeling much better, I'm looking for revenge. Not sure yet what I'll come up with, but wearing him out on the new playset will probably be involved. Bring it on.

Call me Mother of the Year.

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