Friday, May 23, 2008

Best Friends Forever

Call me Mother of the Year.

As regular readers have discovered, the Peanut has hit the Terrible Threes with a vengeance. My confidence has taken quite the beating, as has my patience. Peanut is still convinced that he's in charge, and I'm merely a spectator in his play. Or is he?

Make no mistake, the tantrums are still frequent and loud. Peanut is still pushing all my buttons, and Boomer's arrival home is the highlight of both of our days. Still, there is a change afoot.

Peanut is usually far more eager to distribute hugs and kisses to pretty much everyone but me. This includes family members, Boomer, Doggy, Mommy Cohorts, salespeople, etc. I'm at the very bottom of his list. Over the last few days, however, he's been the one to initiate the "I love you" sequence. I'm happy to reciprocate, because really, I lap up any affection from the Wonder Toddler I can get.

This morning was the best. As SuperWHY was on television, Peanut comes tearing over and gives me a hug. As I hug back, he mumbles something unintelligible. Toddler will be my second language.

"What is it, Peanut?"

He raises his head and, comletely seriously says, "Best friends forever, Mommy?"

My heart melts. Finally, for one brief moment, everything's okay. My child doesn't hate me, and the tantrums just don't matter. My baby loves me, and it's all I need.

Yeah, Peanut, best friends forever. I love you, too.

Call me Mother of the Year.

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