Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Call me Mother of the Year.

Peanut, Boomer and I went to dinner with Grammy and Game Boy. This usually involves at least one temper tantrum from a certain toddler who does not understand the meaning of patience. Peanut labors under the belief that once food is requested, it should be served immediately. Obviously, this does not happen in even the best restaurants. Thus the tantrum.

Grammy, being a wise woman (and former Mommy of boy toddler), has fixed this little problem. After we order and while Peanut is still fascinated with stuffing his mouth with bread, she breaks out a small pad of paper and old mailing labels. She informs Peanut that these are stickers and would he like to put them on the paper?

Would he ever!

This is incredible! He's quiet, well-behaved, and enthralled at the thought of these stickers staying right where he puts them! No matter how many times he moves them (and make no mistake, he does), they stick to the paper, Grammy's hand, his hand, his sweater. This is arguably cooler than even the trains and Lightning McQueen. Even being told not to put the stickers on the table is okay. I'm in shock. How did this happen? And why the @#$* didn't I think of this?

Perhaps this is where Mother of the Year gets her title. Learn from others. Especially others who have been there and done that. Watch and understand their example. Follow it, and the unspoken advice, and errors will hopefully be minor.

Call me Mother of the Year.

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