Thursday, June 30, 2011

Justifying Mommy

Call me Mother of the Year.

So one of my friends from college is pregnant. I'm ecstatic for her and her husband. And she was asking some Mommy Advice. I figured that the best way to explain a typical day (as if there is one!)would be to show her today.

5:25 a.m.: Peanut tells Boomer, "I have a hole in my heel, but don't worry. It's not serious.

5:35: I inform Peanut that if the hole in his heel isn't serious, he can go back to bed. Shockingly, he agrees and snoozes.

8:00: Peanut comes bouncing in for his thief-Daddy's-side-of-the-bed experience. The hole in his heel is a half-healed blister. It's not serious.

9:00: Tula awakens with a fiercely wet diaper. Mommy changes toddler diaper, toddler jammies, and toddler bed sheet. Decide bath can wait until after breakfast.

9:15: Peanut wants to know why his waffles, fruit, coffee, vitamins and orange juice are not accompanied by scrambled eggs.

9:30: Start laundry. Allow Peanut and Tula their two PBS shows.

10:00: Convince Tula that a bath is not the root of all evil.

10:02: Chase a naked Tula around the house and get her into the bathtub.

10:05: Realize Tula has a new phrase: "Hey! Go 'way!" Not the best thing to hear as I'm trying to wash her hair.

10:15: Argue with Tula as to who gets to comb her hair. I win, but it's close.

11:55: Remind Peanut that we do not run in the house. Again.

12:15: Reading to Tula while Peaunt wreaks havoc with his trains. Bliss.

12:53: Convince Peanut that reading in his room while I put Tula down for her nap is a good idea.

2:15: Tula finally concedes defeat and naps. Computer time for Peanut. I take a breath.

2:17: Remind Peanut that computer time, like Spandex, is a privilege instead of a right. If he continues banging on the computer keys, then I will revoke the privilege.

2:30: Wallow in Peanut's joy of the computer. Bliss again.

4:15: Tula wakes up from her nap. We're off to run an errand.

5:00: Daddy's home! Both kids ditch me in favor of Boomer. I start investigating dinner options.

5:30: Start making dinner.

5:45: Realize I'm missing one of the key ingredients for dinner. Inform Boomer of emergency food run. Mutter curses under my breath.

6:15: Back with reinforcements. Peanut wonders why dinner isn't ready. Allow Boomer to take that one.

6:30: Dinner is served.

6:45: Peanut wants seconds.

7:00: Listen as my brilliant son reads aloud to his adoring sister. For him, she sits still. I'd break out my camera, but I know it would ruin the moment. Oh well.

7:40: Bedtime chaos.

8:00: Snoozing children. Happy parents.

Hope you found this helpful. I'm off to find the chocolate.

Call me Mother of the Year.

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