Friday, January 15, 2010

In Sickness and In Health

Call me Mother of the Year.

Never have I said that motherhood was dull, but I do believe these last weeks have taken the cake for crazy. I'm convinced that Peanut has caught every cold in his school and passed them on to Tula and myself. Only now, he's surpassed himself.

It started on Monday. I took both the kids to the doctor for Tula's four-month checkup- she's doing very well, by the way- and on the way from the doctor to preschool I got to make the call of "you're so not getting my kid today" because Peanut vomited all over the backseat. Good to know I had the school secretary's sympathies. The fever showed up shortly thereafter.

Fast forward two days: still feverish. Boomer takes Peanut to Urgent Care because of a 102 degree fever at 6 in the evening. This is where my kid becomes an overachiever. It's just not enough to have an ear infection, oh no. No, Peanut's got bronchitis as well. So now we have not one but three different medicines rocking his system. Thankfully, they work.

So I got to send him to school today, and we were both cheering. Tula took an uncharacteristic four-hour nap, and I got work done. Much rejoicing. Until she woke up and threw up on me. I got her cleaned up and that was when the school called saying that Peanut did really well, but his cough is worse and he probably shouldn't ride the bus. Can I come pick him up? Yes.

So now both kids are out cold and I'm looking for tea and sympathy. Boomer's offering pizza for dinner. So now all I need is the tea, because Boomer is explaining in no uncertain terms that he is coming home as soon as he can manage to help. I love my husband.

This too shall pass, and quickly. And I know that this will make the kids' immune systems stronger. But seriously, Tula's going to have an immune system of cast iron by the time she starts kindergarten. Maybe that will make this worthwhile. Doubtful, but I'm looking for any silver lining here.

Call me Mother of the Year.

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