Thursday, April 23, 2009

I Am That Mother

Call me Mother of the Year.

I've been contemplating this for awhile now, and I'm still not sure I should write it. But I've been asked how things are going, and this is the best way I can describe my thoughts and feelings.

- who deals with temper tantrums in public.
- who endures your stares and comments rather than let my son see that you sit in judgement of his lack of control.
- who leaves every playdate early because my son is overstimulated.
- who cannot understand my son's lack of self-control.
- who cries with the knowledge that whatever I do is never enough.
- who fights with insecurity on a daily basis.

- who's husband supports me every day.
- who wakes up every morning to my son's hugs and kisses.
- who is grateful beyond words to family, friends, and Peanut's teacher.
- who knows this is but one step of a worthwhile journey.
- who sees my son's brilliance every day.
- who is finding my voice as my son's advocate.
- who will never give up on my son.

Call me Mother of the Year.

1 comment:

Freckledmama said...

You are an awesome mother, and your son is so lucky to have you. Keep your chin up girl, and know that you are doing great.