Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Returning to the Face of the Earth

Call me Mother of the Year.

Okay, call me a recovering, penitent Mother of the Year. And thank you to my four loyal readers for not kicking my butt for blowing off my blog. Yes, I know that I have more than four readers, and I appreciate you all, but seriously, it's just me.

So, what's been going on?

Well, Peanut is on Spring Break, and I just told him that he's not going to school this week. I'm fending off temper tantrums with bribery. Yesterday it was Chuck E. Cheese, today Candyland and Play-Doh, and I'm figuring out the rest of the week as I go along. My diabolical plans of sending Boy Wonder outside and wearing him out have been thwarted by thunderstorms. Drat.

Preschool is going well, and there is much rejoicing. I'm already seeing progress in the lessening of temper tantrums and a new willingness to listen (occasionally). We're singing songs from school, talking about friends, and involving parents and grandparents in our new endeavor. Plus, he gets to bring Nana and Grammy to school for Grandparents' Day. That's going to be a whole new blog when it happens. I'll be there with video cameras, I promise. We also got to involve me in Peanut's First Attempt at Fundraising, where I learned that our family is a sucker for Peanut. His school now loves me.

I'm finally over Massive Sinus Infection, which laid me out cold for two weeks and required good drugs to yank me back to the land of the living. Oh yeah, and I'm kind of pregnant. Did I forget to mention that? Three months, all is going well, and Peanut has been informing all and sundry that he's "going to be a big brother!!!" He's requesting a little sister. I suspect Grammy may have put that in his head, but that could just be a rumor. Or an unwillingness to share trains. We'll see.

So yes, I'll be better about writing. After all, we have more adventures and twice the kids to talk about!

Call me Mother of the Year.

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