Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Peanut Orientation

Call me Mother of the Year.

Peanut has decided that initiating Boomer and me in his mischief attempts is simply not enough. Now we must send him upon an unsuspecting world.

Peanut finally got to go to school this afternoon. Boomer and I were witnesses, and at times, referees. Not surprisingly, Peanut made his presence known immediately. He was holding both our hands, and as soon as he saw his teachers he ditched us like we were yesterday's diapers, sprinting toward the door with hapless teachers in his wake.

"This is Peanut, and he's very excited," explained our greeters to the other teachers.

"You have no idea", I think.

Peanut receives name tag and greetings, and promptly ignores the rest of the pupils and teachers in favor of the cars and trucks. Seriously, he hangs out at the crane for a half hour straight, blowing off all attempts to get him to see the rest of the room. He also decides that the other kids should find something else to play with. Finally, transition music is played for all the kids to get in a circle for storytime. Peanut takes this as his signal to dance and explore the room. It takes three teachers, their supervisor, and Boomer to get Peanut in the story circle. Once there, it takes the kid all of two minutes to figure out how to escape. Boomer then eyes me and offers the thought that we are in trouble. Um, duh.

Peanut eventually calms down, but this is merely a lull. The kids have to wait in single file line, which the Wonder Toddler cracks up at. Suffice it to say the temper tantrum was vicious in the parking lot.

However, I take heart that Peanut will learn patience and routine. Or be the first kid ever kicked out of preschool.

Call me Mother of the Year.

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