Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Peanut the Great

Call me Mother of the Year.

It's been a busy day in the life of the Wonder Toddler. Potty training attempts are at a new low, and so is my confidence as a mother. Or it was until Boomer came home. Let me explain.

Peanut slept in, which meant I slept in. And there was much rejoicing, until Peanut came clambering into my bed and wet it. Upon this little discovery, I went tearing into his room where the same unpleasant surprise awaited in his room. So much for Pull-Ups instead of diapers. Who knew? Not me. Luckily, all was salvageable.

Later on, I was waiting for Boomer to come home with needed ingredients for dinner. I planned on Peanut eating with us. Boomer was detained at work, and I lost track of time. Bottom line was when Boomer came home, Peanut decided that Doggy Luke's food looked pretty good. Exact words were "This is tasty!" Boomer assures me that every boy chows down on dog food at one time or another. I'm trying to remember where I put my Mommy credentials. Peanut promptly got actual dinner, and seems no worse for the wear. I'm still breaking out rumbling guilt pangs. It's a Mommy thing.

Boomer decides as I'm getting dinner ready that his hands are in need of washing. As Peanut has a major fascination with washing anything, he decides to watch. I'm pretty used to his getting underfoot when water's running, but I had no idea to what lengths he's willing to go. The kid climbs up ON THE DRAWER HANDLES to reach into the sink and wash his hands. He wants to be just like Daddy. I contemplate my kid breaking various bones as he falls. He doesn't, because sometimes, gravity works in Peanut's favor. I'm convinced that I'm not going to survive this experience. Boomer thinks otherwise. Maybe it's time I listened to him. As of right now, I'm not sure who will win this debate. I'll keep you updated.

Call me Mother of the Year.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ha!Ha!Ha! Great story. That's so funny that he thought the dog food was delicious. My little squirt squats down on the floor and slurps water from the dog bowl :)