Friday, February 15, 2008

Trains, Dogs, and Fire Engines

Call me Mother of the Year.

Peanut has an obsession with trains. Actually, he has an obsession with all wheels, but particularly with trains. His latest manifestation involves a GeoTrax set, complete with fire house and fire engine. For some reason, he has decided that the fire engine must be pushed along the tracks by the train. As I write this, he's created a line with two trains and the fire engine. Boomer is his witness and co-conspiritor. As usual.

Here's what I don't get. If a fire engine wouldn't be pushed by trains in real life, why on earth would you do so on a toy track? What if my kid is destined to destroy all manner of vehicles due to his insistence on a parade for his personal pleasure?

I know. Mother of the Year isn't supposed to question her child's play! She should lovingly accept and enjoy his statements! Right. And go bankrupt when he destroys his stuff.

I suppose it's at this moment that I should breathe, enjoy the fact that my kid has no interest whatsoever in television (at least right now), and relax. He's in the hands of Boomer and Doggy Luke, and I have a chance to breathe. And there was much rejoicing.

Call me Mother of the Year.

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